martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Poverty In The World

In a developing country 1300 million persons live below the line of poverty, mas 100 million persons live in these situations in the industrialized countries, and 120 millions in Eastern Europe and Asia.
The poverty is defined as the lack of the indispensable thing for the sustenance of the life. In Africa the reality is dramatic since mas from three hundred million five-year-old minor children they suffer malnutrition and 43 % of the population does not have drinkable water. In Latin America 213 million poor exist, which supposes 40,6 % of the population. Of them, 16,8 % (88 millions) lives in the poverty level that quantifies the minimal quantity of necessary income to cover the basic needs of an individual.
Worldwide, according to report of the World Health Organization (WHO), a third of the children in the developing countries they do not receive sufficient food. A total of 150 million children, it indicates the study, can be defined as undernourished.
Inside the countries of the OECD, where there are included the 30 richest countries of the world, the northern countries head the table clasificatoria of minor rate of infantile poverty, placing in all of them below 5 per cent, being, Denmark and Finland with minor rates to 3 per cent. Since contraposition they find The United States and Mexico, with rates of more than 20 per cent. In addition, during the last decade, in these countries, the children's proportion living in the poverty it has increased.

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