martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Types of Poverty

According to several authors and studies of the World Bank, theInter-American Development BankInternational Monetary Fund, there are two types of poverty bases:
Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty .-
* Absolute Poverty:
In the first case states that one must differentiate the poor from the nonpoor, establishing a minimum basket of consumptionrepresentative of society needs to be analyzedThis methodologyallows the detection of extreme poverty, and within extreme poverty.
Extreme poverty line is determined based on the total cost of the consumption basket, which includes the cost of food, housing, health, clothing and more. The extreme poverty line considers onlythe cost of food.

* Relative Poverty:
Relative poverty is that it is relative to the cities, fields, countries, geographical locations and so on. For example, poverty in theSahara Desert is different from poverty in the mountains ofConstance, or the city of Switzerland, Norway or Sweden.
In that sense every society, every country or every "modus vivendi" has a poverty level or channel, seeing it from the point of view of therelativity of things. Within this poverty we can subdivide it intoseveral significant factors to assess these levels and standards.

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